Our Approach

At CluxMedia, we embrace a collaborative and personalized methodology for each project we engage in. Prior to initiating the project with Zaffy Bedding and Interiors, our team invested time in comprehending the company’s vision, mission, and values. We made certain that each design decision was deeply grounded in the brand’s ethos and seamlessly aligned with their overarching goals.

Collaborating closely with the client from start to finish, our team incorporated their feedback and suggestions, resulting in a final product that surpassed expectations.

Branding Materials

We crafted an all-encompassing branding strategy aligned with the client’s vision and values. This involved the development of a Modular Identity System, incorporating Logo & Brand Identity Design, Typography, Color Palette, and Visual Elements. Our objective was to establish a unified and distinctive brand identity that would make a memorable impact in the interior design market.

Scope of work

Our responsibilities covered the development of a Modular Identity System and the design and application of other brand assets. Creating a modular design system, we ensured its versatile application across various website pages and other brand elements, fostering consistency and cohesiveness throughout the brand.