Our Approach

At CluxMedia, we advocate for a collaborative and tailored methodology for each project we embark on. Prior to initiating the project, our team dedicated time to comprehend the vision, mission, and values of Luxury Interior Space company. We meticulously ensured that every design choice was grounded in the brand’s ethos and harmonized with their overarching goals.

Throughout the project, our team maintained close collaboration with the client, incorporating their feedback and suggestions to produce a final product that surpassed their expectations.

Branding Materials

We crafted a holistic branding strategy aligning with the client’s vision and values. This involved the creation of a Modular Identity System, comprising Logo & Brand Identity Design, Typography, Color Palette, and Visual Elements. Our goal was to establish a unified and distinctive brand identity that would make a lasting impression in the competitive interior design market.

Scope of work

We undertook a comprehensive range of tasks, encompassing Website UI/UX Design, Website Development, and Modular Identity System Development. Initiating the process, we crafted wireframes, user flows, and prototypes to ensure an intuitive user experience. Additionally, we engineered a modular design system, ensuring consistent application across various website pages and enhancing brand coherence.

We took measures to optimize the website for SEO and implemented a responsive design, ensuring accessibility across various devices.